✧ Features
DM Butterfly Valves ar Engineered for long-term,maintenance-free performance,DM Butterfly Valves are commonly selected for a variety of applications spanning a wide range of industries:
• Chemical and petrochemical
• Agriculture
• Oil and gas drilling and production
• Food and beverage
• Water and waste water
• Cooling towers (HVAC)
• Power
• Mining and materials
• Dry bulk handling
• Marine and government e available in sizes 2 in. through 36 in. (50 mm through 900 mm).

✧ Bi-directional sealing
This valve provides bi-directional sealing at full rated pressure with identical flow from
either direction.
Integral flange seal Molded into the edge of the seat is an integral flange seal which accommodates ASME weld neck,slip-on,threaded and socket flanges as well as “stub end” type C flanges.ASME Class 150 rating Body rating is ASME Class 150 (285 psi non-shock).Wafer body diameters are designed to self-center in ASME Class 150 flange patterns.