✧ Description
Flanges are used to connect pipes with each other, to valves, to fittings, and to specialty items such as strainers and pressure vessels. A cover plate can be connected to create a "blind flange". Flanges are joined by bolting, and sealing is often completed with the use of gaskets or other methods.
Our flanges are available in a variety of sizes, materials and pressure ratings, ensuring we have the right flange for your specific application. Whether you require standard flanges or a custom-designed solution, we have the expertise and capabilities to meet your specific requirements.

We provide a wide range of flanges, such as companion flange, blind flange, weld flange, weld neck flange, union flange, ect.
They're are field proven flanges which strictly designed and manufactured according to API 6A and API Spec Q1 forged or casted. Our flanges are manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring exceptional quality and performance.
✧ All Kind of Flanges are Delimited by API 6A as Below
Welding neck flange is the flange with a neck on the side opposite the sealing face prepared with a bevel to weld to corresponding pipe or transition pieces.
Threaded flange is the flange having a sealing face on one side and a female thread on the other for the purpose of joining flanged connections to threaded connections.
Blind flange is the flange with no centre bore, used to close off completely a flanged end or outlet connection.
Target flange is a special configuration of blind flange used downstream, facing upstream, to cushion and reduce the erosive affect of high velocity abrasive fluid. This flange has a counter bore filled with lead.